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Interview to Peter Carenborn, Managing Director in KABE

Interview to Peter Carenborn, Managing Director in KABE

We talk with Peter Carenborn, Managing Director in KABE, to know theirs caravans a bit, and this is the complete conversation:

SoyCaravanista: First we want to congratulate you for your 60th anniversary, and be the benchmark of the Scandinavian caravans. In Spain, with more than a dozen caravan factories between 1960 and 1980, there is currently only one manufacturer (Across). What do you think is the secret of KABE for 60 years making caravans? What do KABE caravans offer that others do not have?

Peter Carenborn: There are many reasons for this but some of the main reasons are that we are always one step ahead when it comes to innovations , education of dealers , support to our dealers and we are lisening to our customers and their needs .

SC: Are you or other members of the KABE board a regular caravan user? Do you apply your experience in the design of caravans?

PC: Some members of the board are using caravans and mobilehomes regular.

SC: Something that surprises us is that KABE builds caravans in Sweden for Norway, Denmark or Finland, does each country require different characteristics?

PC: We have such a big program so each market can easily find the right specification for their needs.

SC: Do you think that the use they make of caravans in Sweden, Norway or Denmark is different with what is done in southern Europe, such as Spain, France or Italy?

PC: Most of our caravans is used in winter time also and here we have our unique heating and ventilation system.

SC: Your distribution network does not sell caravans for the south of Europe. In the future, will you expand sales to countries like Spain, France or Italy, or do you understand that markets are different?

PC: We are for the time being focus on Germany and Benelux area but for sure we would like to expand our business even to south of Europe.

SC: Surely the most striking model is the current KABE Imperial 880 Tower and its previous models, and in SoyCaravanista we are well aware of the success of the publications on these models. Is it a model with vocation to introduce it to the market or is it just a marketing claim to show what a brand like KABE can do?

PC: For sure we wanted to show that we can build the most advanced caravan on the market , but at the same time we said if we will have some interest we can consider to build more of this model

SC: How did the idea come about to launch such a peculiar and striking model of two heights?

PC: This is actualy our third one , the prevoius on was for 50 years celebration.

SC: What time is needed to design and build a model like this?

PC: Design was done in one month , build was on and of for 6 months

SC: In addition to the uniqueness of the two plants and their size, do you have other functional or technological elements that differentiate it?

PC: we have all other options you have on a standard caravan .

SC: We read that you expect the order of five units to be able to make a series. Do you think there is a market for the sale of the KABE Imperial 880 Tower? What audience are you looking for?

PC: We have today customers that would like to buy the tower, private people, companies and also some camping places were they will rent this out.

SC: Given its height, it is easy to travel with a caravan of 448 centimeters of height, by Sweden and its bordering countries?

PC: In Spain it is not possible to move with trailers of more than 400 cm (450 only for containers and transport of vehicles).we do not see that this will be used by travelling around , this will most certain be on one spot for the season.

SC: At least in southern Europe, there are more motorhomes. Do you prefer a caravan or motorhome? Do you think that the market and caravan tourism in Europe have a good future?

PC: Even in Scandinavia the market for motorhomes is increasing and is bigger than caravans but caravans seems to increasing their numbers and we have a very good increase on Kabe.

SC: Finally, do you know about the use of caravans in Spain or in southern Europe? Do you think it is very different from the campings in Scandinavia?

PC: The main different will be the use of caravans during cold winters with temperatur below minus 25-30 degrees.

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  1. Pingback: Una conversación con Peter Carenborn, managing director de KABE, las caravanas suecas – Soy Caravanista

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